Tag Archive | Viola Davis

Ender’s Game (2013) Review

Damn trailers, made me think this was rubbish and missed it in theatres. From the trailers I thought this was going to be some action film with tweens (barf) but it was much closer to what I heard of the book, psychological with lots of links to child armies and how wars can be justified from different viewpoints. The acting was good, the visuals where good. The characters are very interesting, and considering the age of the cast it’s rather impressive. If you are a fan of the book (never read it) or an avid history buff then watching this will be interesting, it’s also a very good view of war in general. I’ll go into much more detail below but for now bookmark this if you are waiting to see the film, if you have seen the film then check out the spoiler sections and I will look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.

“After you had already won, why did you continue to hit him? Did you enjoy it?”

“Knocking him down was the first fight, I wanted to win all the others. So they’d leave me alone.” My favourite quote is in the spoiler section.


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Prisoners (2013) Review

I can’t seem to review this film without spoilers so be warned there are spoilers.  I have been convinced to see this film through bloggers and friends. Not the type of films I would review, various reasons for that but I did and it was a good film, it’s just not my cup of tea, great film just not one I’d watch again but I would recommend it to others. It’s a very thrilling film and if I had kids it would disturb me a great deal. The acting is brilliant and whilst the film is horrendously long the story is griping throughout. I’ll go into much more detail below but for now bookmark this if you are waiting to see the film, leave any comments below, if you have seen the film then check out the spoiler sections and I will look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.

“Every day she’s wondering why I’m not there!!! Not you, but me!!!”


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