Ben Affleck as Batman: My Totally Unbiased Opinion

I know a lot of you would like to hear my crazy ranting anger over this news and believe me it’s there. But first I’d like to look at both sides of the coin…and then go ballistic at the end. First we’ll see Affleck’s accomplishes and why he may be good in the role, I’ll include arguments from around the web and plenty of MEME’S. Then lastly I will discuss the problems I see and other angry nerds have voiced around the world. This should be…fun.

If you like the post then I may do more casting reactions or something similar again. Please enjoy and I look forward to some interesting comments.


The Argument for:


Ben Affleck has evolved as an actor; he once was considered one of the worst actors around after films like Pearl Harbor, Daredevil and Gigli. But over recent years he has demonstrated far better range as an actor. Films Like The Town and Argo helped Affleck become an Oscar winning dynamo! But Batman requires something more (only nerds believe this).


Another point is that they were looking for an older Batman and now that Affleck is 41, he fits it quite well and the fact that he doesn’t appear to age means that he could play the role for a while, we may even get a Hugh Jackman style staying power (I can’t see Affleck bulking up though). I believe he is also about the same height as Henry Cavill which proportionally sounds about right.


Last thing on the good side is that having Ben Affleck as Batman suggests that the rumours of him directing the Justice League film will be coming to fruition. After all Ben Affleck says he doesn’t want to direct any film that he isn’t starring in, and you can’t have Justice League without Batman. This does raise a problem though, I don’t think he has ever done a role well unless he is directing himself and with Batman/Superman film he’ll have to be directed by Zack Snyder.


The Argument Against:


I had the horrible misfortune to hear this news as soon as I woke up when I checked twitter and the image above is pretty close to my initial reaction, but then I thought this could just be another rumour like so many before. Seemed like one of those tricks that get spread just to get a reaction from us nerds, but as the hours passed it became more and more real.


Then it was official and I just couldn’t freaking believe it! I must have read hundreds of posts about who should play the next batman and in none of them did the name Ben Affleck appear. Personally I would have felt safer with any other choice; I disagree with many but would change my mind if it meant replacing Affleck. I haven’t got a problem with Affleck himself I just don’t think this is the role for him and I am far from unjustified in my opinion.


I know people like to point out how people reacted to Heath Ledger as the Joker and Jack Nicholson as the Joker and Bat nipples on Batman and we came around to all of those. I do believe we have to wait and see on his performance but I am allowed to freak out and have my totally negative opinions.


I have also been wonder about who Matt Damon will be playing and whilst playing Robin makes me laugh I have a far more disturbing theory. What if he played Lex Luthor, no seriously think about it. He recently played a bald guy, he’s pretty damn famous at the minute and with such a big project involving Ben Affleck you know he’s going to there somewhere.

The response to Justin Bieber put me in tears.

The difference between Ben Affleck and likes of Ledger and Daniel Craig is that we have a full understanding of his acting ability. Mute and dull. I can imagine him as a billionaire maybe but as the dark crusader who brings fear to hardened criminals I don’t see it at all! Affleck scaring anyone is just not right in my mind, seriously can’t picture it at all.

Surprisingly Balanced opinion

Honestly though all in all I think this will go one of two ways. Ben Affleck will both crack under the pressure and risk the rage of a million nerds or he will rise to the challenge like many before him and deliver to us a truly great Batman performance. Time will tell I truly hope he does better than I expect him to. Prove me wrong Affleck, prove me wrong.


This probably matters more than anything for the film.

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About Tim The Film Guy

Very opinionated about films!

68 responses to “Ben Affleck as Batman: My Totally Unbiased Opinion”

  1. table9mutant says :

    I don’t think Ben Affleck should be anyone in any movie ever. 😉 I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t care about the Batman thing one way or the other, though. I never even liked Christian Bale.


  2. sanclementejedi says :

    I love this casting, now they should have Bruce Wayne move to Boston.


  3. atothewr says :

    I think as Bruce Wayne he will be great, its the Batman part that scares me. I honestly can’t see him in the suit. I can’t see him being that character. Nice write up.


  4. boxofficebuzzab says :

    Good post! I liked how you covered both sides of the issue. When I first heard the Batman announcement, I thought it was a joke. I never would have guessed they’d pick Ben Affleck. My first choice for the role was Karl Urban, but Affleck is a selection I think I can live with. I’m curious to see what happens from here.


  5. Tyson Carter says :

    I think there are worse people that could of done the job. Then again I dont really like comic book movies so I dont really care either way. I do like Affleck though 🙂


  6. theipc says :

    I used to hate AFFLACK until Hollywoodland, now I kind of like him. I’m not real upset about this but I don’t think he’s the right guy for the job. Batman doesn’t need a large range of emotion, I think he needs to be more gruff. I can’t think of who else though…


  7. adlibitur90 says :

    I think Affleck is just going to join the long list of the generic people who’ve played Batman.


  8. Zoë says :

    Ahahahahaaaaaa! Thank you for such an entertaining post! I think my reaction was very similar to yours, both the window as well as the unwillingness to believe. Well, I guess all we can do now is wait and see, though I honestly feel that they should probably have done another Man of Steel film first before this idea.

    PS: On the Matt Damon front, he is really not bad, I like him!


  9. Nerdy Girl Ramblings says :

    Oh boy… haha my opinion on the matter is, mostly, pretty indifferent with a hint of rooting for Ben Affleck on the side. The reality is that this film is going to be a ‘Man of Steel’ sequel not a new Batman film. If I were Christian Bale, after being part of the seriously wonderful Dark Knight films, I wouldn’t wanna touch that with a 10 foot pole and risk messing with the Batman “high-note” I ended on either. Superman movies haven’t been great since Christopher Reeves and even his later Superman stuff got pretty bad. In my opinion, other then ‘Smallville’, there hasn’t been a decently successful (both quality and monetary wise) modern Superman reboot. For whatever reason either A. hasn’t had it’s “Dark Knight” equivalent yet or B. never q


    • Nerdy Girl Ramblings says :

      (stupid comment posting before I was ready)

      quite works or captures it’s audience the way it wants to. Yes ‘Man of Steel’ did well, yes people liked it but the Superman standards were pretty low to begin with and, for the most part, it was simply “better than the last attempt”. As the past would show, it’s evident that this ‘Man of Steel’ sequel is trying to increase it’s success by including Batman but will, probably, have a very difficult time doing it well. Either way, they needed a new Batman and can different actors play the same roles over time and be equally successful (other than RDJ as Tony Stark haha)? Of course! With the occasional ‘Jersey Girl’ and ‘Gigli’ (sp?) aside is Ben Affleck (contrary to popular belief) a good actor? Yes! Ben Affleck may not be ideal to most fans but, to me, this whole sequel doesn’t sound too ideal haha. In the end I can only hope he does well and so does the film. God knows even if he does an amazing job and the film tanks, he’ll get blamed for it.


      • Tim The Film Guy says :

        And i’ll be the one to blame him mwahahaha!

        Not into short comments today? Haha okay i’d say I agree with most of that, and I hope that its more superman because he still needs more build time whereas Batman well everyone has seen his beginning and story plenty of times.

        I hope it all works out and for now that’s all we can do. NERD CONVERSATION!!! 😀


  10. Erik says :

    Great stuff Tim! I wasn’t happy when I heard the news either but as you said, we have to wait and see. I dont expect much from the film anyway…lol


  11. Derek says :

    Until my dying day I will never understand the need for fanboys to be outraged and the reaction to Affleck’s casting just took the cake for me.
    Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but playing Batman is not like playing freaking Othello…it requires almost no range at all and I defy anyone to point to any scene by any of the dudes who have played Batman in the movies that is evidence of any type of skill as an actor or is impressive in any way at all.
    You put the suit on and change your voice a bit and let the actors playing the villain carry the weight of any scenes you are in. That is what being Batman entails. Bruce Wayne is the part where the actors actually have to work and I am pretty confident that Affleck can play a rich eligible bachelor in his sleep.


    • ReasonableCritic says :

      You are, of course, correct. Batman is a guy in a black rubber suit who looks imposing and beats up criminals. But just because a part does not tax an actor does not mean that the actor’s performance counts for nothing. I’m sure that Robert Downey, Jr. is not challenged at all by playing Tony Stark, and he’s even less challenged now that he’s done it four times, but there is a reason for that 50 million dollar paycheck: he carries the films. Most people find him just as fascinating to watch as the special effects, if not more so. Also, Michael Keaton underplayed Batman SO much that it added to the film’s (for its time) revolutionary feel.
      But you’re right. Sometimes it’s good to take a deep breath and a step back. Affleck will be fine. If the part calls for an edge, I’m sure he will manage to convincingly project an edge. The man is a talented actor who knows what he is doing.


    • Tim The Film Guy says :

      I certainly understand it but after about a week now I have come to accept it 😀

      Bulk up and stop looking sad that’s my advice to Affleck 😀


  12. ruth says :

    Ahah, that animated gif of the guy jumping out of the window is hilarious!! Seriously though, some of the reactions are way out of proportion. I wasn’t fond of the idea either but seeing the tweets about it was hysterical. Now that the idea has sort of sunk in, I’m actually a bit more open-minded about it. We shall see I guess, and I won’t be surprised at all if he’d direct one of DC movies down the line, even a Batman movie!


  13. ReasonableCritic says :

    I wish there were a way for me to assuage the fears of the doubters who are horrified over this, but as long as the film is well-imagined Affleck will be fine. Yes, he seems miscast given his previous performances, but he has matured since the days of Good Will Hunting, as evidenced by his gift for directing. Also, the casting is JUST askew enough to tell me that he must be simpatico with the filmmakers, that they must see something in him that we do not because we are not privy to thier creative process. If they just wanted a marketable star there were many better choices.


  14. The Celtic Predator says :

    Shockingly, and maybe it’s because Affleck has impressed me so much with his directorial efforts, I’m actually more on the side of giving Ben the benefit of the doubt. See this article:


  15. Movie Review World says :

    I find Ben Affleck lacks range as an actor and while he performs well in the films he is in I cant help but feel the characters he portrays are quite un-dynamic. I am by no means a FAN BOY and to be quite honest I find most Comic Book movies very samey (Apart from the “Dark Knight Trillogy”). I just think Affleck lacks a dark side, I have never seen him play intimating convincingly and that for me is enough to suggest he is not right for the role.


  16. Ben says :

    I reacted the same way as you, purely negative with no consideration of the positives. Now the dust has settled, it may not be that bad a choice. The direction to go is to play on the age a lot more and less on the heroics. If they go for more of a “Dark Knight Returns” story, then Batman is already a legend by that point and an aging Bruce Wayne puts the suit back on – thats something Affleck could do.


  17. filmscorehunter says :

    Great post. I especially found the Val Kilmer and the Heath Ledger in nurse’s uniform pics hilarious.


  18. ianthecool says :

    He’s in a Superman movie though, so his role will be a supporting one. Besides, you already have 3 great batman movies, so if this one i good, then great. If not, well, you still have 3 great batman movies.


    • Tim The Film Guy says :

      True, we’ll just have to wait and see. What was your first reaction?


      • ReasonableCritic says :

        MY first reaction was, “Noooo!” just like everyone else. But upon sober reflection, I realized it’s not that bad. Ian is right: the Nolan trilogy is a gift, it’s better than any of us could have hoped for, and I, for one, am glad they are going with a different kind of actor for MOS2, so it won’t take away from the greatness of what Nolan achieved. However, I think the bast-case scenario would have been for the studio to give Batman a rest for a while.


          • ReasonableCritic says :

            I tend to be an optimist, that’s all. No one liked the idea of Michael Keaton, no one liked the idea of Heath Ledger, and no one liked the idea of Anne Hathaway. Pretty much the only major Batman casting move that everyone thought was absolutely perfect was Danny DeVito as the Penguin, and while I loved him in the part he got a lot of hate at the time.
            Bear in mind that Affleck is not going to play the same Batman that Bale played. If they are using Dark Knight Returns as inspiration, we are going to see a more energetic, less brooding take on the character.


      • ianthecool says :

        I laughed because it was so unexpected. Then I shrugged my shoulders in apathy.


  19. ReasonableCritic says :

    I wouldn’t worry, Tim. Heath Ledger and and Anne Hathaway were the only two actors who directly affected the quality of the Dark Knight trilogy. There were any number of actors who could have played Bruce Wayne; the trilogy was Nolan’s show, plain and simple. Affleck is kind of miscast, but he is an OK actor, certainly no worse than Bale. I would worry a lot more about the script, and the attitude of the players, and whether they can pull this concept off after only one Man of Steel film.


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