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Game of Thrones – Season 4 (Trailer #2) Review

BRING ON APRIL! Game of Thrones will coming real soon and this latest trailer was so good that I felt compelled to review it. I have always considered Game of Thrones to be a really long movie each season so it’s a good place to start doing TV trailer reviews. The new season looks great and having read the books I know where it’s going so trust me it looks very promising. I won’t spoil anything but I may mention which new characters to look out for. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.

“If you want justice, you’ve come to the wrong place”


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Winter TV 2013/2014 Part 1 Review

Winter is going to be here for a while apparently and whether your drowning in floods or freezing snow, the TV has got your back as you cosy up to a fire. So with the TV shows coming back from their break, returning shows and because every season has a bunch of new show I get to be judgmental year round Mwahahaha! The way I am reviewing them is based off the shows first three episodes because that’s how long I watch a show before I decide to keep watching a new show or drop it like led brick. So here come my views, if you think there is a show I am not watching that I should please bring it up because I am always looking for suggestions.


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Fall TV 2013 Part 4 Review

It’s simple I watch a lot TV and movies and well anything on a screen. So summer ending is a blow, big blockbusters gone (sad). But TV shows are back (Yay) and because it is fall we get a bunch of new ones for me to judge and ridicule Mwahahaha! This week I am looking at some of my favourite TV shows from year and just one new entry. The way I am reviewing the shows is based off the shows first three episodes because that’s how long I watch a show before I decide to keep watching a new show or drop it like led brick. This is the last addition for now and I expect to come back for these TV reviews in the cold, cold winter. So here come my views, if you think there is a show I am not watching that I should, please bring it up because I am always looking for suggestions.


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Fall TV 2013 Part 3 (Comedies) Review

It’s simple I watch a lot TV and movies and well anything on a screen. So summer ending is a blow, big blockbusters gone (sad). But TV shows are coming back (Yay) and because it is fall we get a bunch of new ones for me to judge and ridicule Mwahahaha! This week I am looking at the comedy entries, some new, some old. The way I am reviewing the shows is based off the shows first three episodes because that’s how long I watch a show before I decide to keep watching a new show or drop it like led brick. Next week I will review the stragglers of the fall season. So here come my views, if you think there is a show I am not watching that I should please bring it up because I am always looking for suggestions.


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Fall TV 2013 Part 2 Review

It’s simple I watch a lot TV and movies and well anything on a screen. So summer ending is a blow, big blockbusters gone (sad). But TV shows are coming back (Yay) and because it is fall we get a bunch of new ones for me to judge and ridicule Mwahahaha! This week I am looking at some of my favourite TV shows from year and just one new entry. The way I am reviewing the shows is based off the shows first three episodes because that’s how long I watch a show before I decide to keep watching a new show or drop it like led brick. Next week I review the returning and new comedy shows coming out, so if you love your comedy then next weeks for you. So here come my views, if you think there is a show I am not watching that I should please bring it up because I am always looking for suggestions.


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Fall TV 2013 Part 1 Review

It’s simple I watch a lot TV and movies and well anything on a screen. So summer ending is a blow, big blockbusters gone (sad). But TV shows are coming back (Yay) and because it is fall we get a bunch of new ones for me to judge and ridicule Mwahahaha! Others have done something similar, The Verbal Spew Review (she’s great) has done a review of the fall schedule so check that out. The way I am reviewing them is based off the shows first three episodes because that’s how long I watch a show before I decide to keep watching a new show or drop it like led brick. Also I will not review the comedy series until the last post. So here come my views, if you think there is a show I am not watching that I should please bring it up because I am always looking for suggestions.


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Who Would You Have Captain The USS Enterprise?

This week looks to be something of Star Trek week. Yay! Nerdy posts. So with the release of Star Trek Into Darkness this weekend I thought it was time we Star Trek fans and even those who have just ventured into this world should decide who was the best Captain of the USS Enterprise. This is purely who you think did the best and who you liked the most. How you decide is up to you, I will not venture one way or the other but simple put some facts before you and let you decide. And of course with any of my features there will be funny videos for anyone who simply doesn’t all that much care. Enjoy and get voting.


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Game of Thrones (Season 2) Review

Hot on the heels of a very successful first season, Game of Thrones was back and with a 15% budget increase for quote “Battle Scenes” I was bouncing off walls. Although expecting greatness I did worry that we might see a Walking Dead style season 2 which might have killed me, luckily my fears were proven untrue and we got a stunning second season with great dialogue, new characters, battles and sword fights left right and centre and the war of the five kings well underway. You really see the budget increase in the battles but we also get to explore the world far more in season 2, with new locations such as North of the Wall, Qarth, Iron Islands and Casterly Rock. 11 More days till season 3 and I hope you all watch with me, Come on season 3!

Jaime: “Three victories don’t make you a conqueror” Robb: “It’s better than three defeats”

Game of Thrones Season 2 - Banner

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Game of Thrones (Season 1) Review

We now have a month left to wait until season 3 so I am getting these reviews out sharpish. When this series first came out I didn’t know what to expect. Will it be “Epic” like they claimed or would they just make the fantasy books a laughing stock? My hope was for a Rome style fantasy epic and boy is that what we got. Amazing cast, brilliant script, beautiful music, great visuals and all on a scale that TV shows have never seen before. I haven’t read the books but I did know a little about them before the series started and as you would imagine I was a particularly giddy geek. Hope you enjoy the review and tell me if you are looking forward to season 3.

Syrio Forel: “There is only one god and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: “Not today.”

Game of Thrones - Season 1 Banner

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The Walking Dead (Mid-Season 3) Review

Well well well, looks like we are back to form with season 3. After a mostly disappointing season 2 I dreaded the series would never go back to being great, however with a far greater story being set with the governor and the prison (Read the comics, I kind of knew what was coming). The story and the acting has been particularly stellar this season and I don’t expect this to change when the series starts back up in February (Damn cliff-hangers!). I have really liked the way that the story would swap between Woodbury and the Prison as I found it never let the story go flat or soapy like at the farm.  This season had strong violence and horror but also powerful emotional scenes and to be honest they really did spectacularly well with this season, It’s brought back the fans because it now deserves them. I am finding it hard to write the first non-spoiler paragraph so after this I will spoil as much as possible, so enjoy.

The Walking Dead Season 3 - Banner

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