Tag Archive | Chris Pratt

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Review

Guardians of the Galaxy might be my favourite film of the year, seen it three times. Marvel has had a brilliant year with creating new genres within the comic book genre. Easily the funniest superhero film ever made but not in a really cheesy way like Thor 2, it was genuinely funny, it was a James Gunn film through and through. The visuals are great, the split between practical effects and CGI are really well done, and the sheer amount of aliens created visually in the film brings you back to star wars. Then we have the cast who are a perfect group for this action adventure film in space, you get them, you’re with them. Well done James knew you could do it.

I’ll go into much more detail below but for now bookmark this if you are waiting to see the film, leave any comments below, if you have seen the film then check out the spoiler sections and I will look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.

Rocket: “His people are entirely literal. Metaphors go right over his head.”

Drax: “Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are excellent and I would catch it.”


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Mini Trailer Reviews

I have missed a few trailers so I am going to just put them all into one mini review post. Friday is for my first poll feature post: Good Points To Films I hate. I have three trailers which I quite liked and I hope you feel the same, however if you disagree don’t be shy and tell me in the comments. Enjoy the reviews and please tell me your initial reactions to these new trailers, more so if you disagree.


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The LEGO Movie (2014) Review

This has taken far too long to review but here we are. I really liked this film and when I first heard of it I didn’t care, love a pleasant surprise. Its action packed, funny, got a great voice cast, and the story is quite touching, very much to my surprise. The visuals in this are great, I really thought the mix of Stop-motion and CGI was very impressive; I was often unable to see the difference in the film. The characters are either really funny or are great character parodies. I’ll go into much more detail below but for now bookmark this if you are waiting to see the film, if you have seen the film then check out the spoiler sections and I will look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.

“I know what you’re thinking, he’s the least qualified person to lead us…and you’re right!”


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Guardians of the Galaxy (Trailer #1) Review

Well that’s certainly something, not sure what exactly but yeah. Overall I am liking the look and feel of the characters and this world they’ve built, seems like a well-established set of worlds. I do have a problem with the structure of this trailer, the first half is a minute and a bit of character establishment which I get but really meant the content was just a teaser trailer, slightly disappointed on that front, hoping for more story structure in the next trailer. Another opinion is that past the people who are already on board for this film (me and the nerd minority) I don’t see many people being won over by this trailer; think they needed a stronger sell. I do however love that music at the end. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.

“Oh am sorry. I, I didn’t know how this machine worked” You’ll get it.


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Fall TV 2013 Part 3 (Comedies) Review

It’s simple I watch a lot TV and movies and well anything on a screen. So summer ending is a blow, big blockbusters gone (sad). But TV shows are coming back (Yay) and because it is fall we get a bunch of new ones for me to judge and ridicule Mwahahaha! This week I am looking at the comedy entries, some new, some old. The way I am reviewing the shows is based off the shows first three episodes because that’s how long I watch a show before I decide to keep watching a new show or drop it like led brick. Next week I will review the stragglers of the fall season. So here come my views, if you think there is a show I am not watching that I should please bring it up because I am always looking for suggestions.


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