Tag Archive | Trailer #2

Fantastic Four (Trailer #1) Review

Well, well, well, look who’s come out to play. About time they showed something. Had no pictures, no footage, not even any official concept art. If I wasn’t such a massive nerd I wouldn’t even know this was coming out. Anyway it’s here now so let’s review. The film is definitely a far more serious affair than its predecessor, that can’t be a bad thing. The first half of this trailer is Interstellar, shockingly so. The cast looks good, visuals look okay but too little footage to really judge. Hated that voice over! So generic, could have been for anything. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.


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Chappie (Trailer #2) Review

FIRST TRAILER REVIEW OF 2015! I wasn’t really into the first trailer because it seemed to show pretty generic stuff for a first trailer and am a bit sore from Elysium (So disappointing) so I didn’t review it. Also no time. This I liked though, the idea of AI is fascinating and it’s always a good sci fi concept. The idea of replacing police with robots is giving me very vivid RoboCop flash backs. But I’ll wait and see. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.

“I am consciousness. I am alive. I am Chappie”


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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Trailer #2) Review

I know this review is a bit late but this had to be reviewed because it looks amazing. I didn’t review the first trailer because I viewed it more as a teaser, this however is the real deal. Wow I mean who thought an apes film could be made this seriously, I mean this looks brilliant. Andy Serkis is bringing Ceaser to life and giving him real presence. The cast looks strong and the plot sounds fascinating. The themes and music also impress me. I cannot wait for this film, its easily one of my most anticipated of the year. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.

“We’ve been through hell together! We spent four years, FOUR YEARS fighting that virus, and then another four fighting each other! It was chaos!”


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Godzilla (Trailer #2) Review

Wow okay I am totally on-board now, I was a little on the fence about this project but I am in, by all means bring me the King of Monsters! I didn’t review the first trailer because I viewed it more as a teaser, this however is the real deal. Cranston’s dialogue is great in the opening and the visuals are looking really sharp, dark and very real. That last shot of what I presume is Godzilla looked great, but more on that later. The themes and sound effects also very impressive. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.

“In 1954 we awakened something”

“Those nuclear tests in the pacific. Not Tests.”

“We were trying to kill it”


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Game of Thrones – Season 4 (Trailer #2) Review

BRING ON APRIL! Game of Thrones will coming real soon and this latest trailer was so good that I felt compelled to review it. I have always considered Game of Thrones to be a really long movie each season so it’s a good place to start doing TV trailer reviews. The new season looks great and having read the books I know where it’s going so trust me it looks very promising. I won’t spoil anything but I may mention which new characters to look out for. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.

“If you want justice, you’ve come to the wrong place”


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The Raid 2: Berandal (Trailer #2) Review

First trailer review of 2014! Yeah! And it’s a good one. The sequel to 2012’s Raid Redemption has been on my radar for a while now and this trailer doesn’t disappoint, its quick, its action packed and it looks so damn cool. Watched the trailer a few times now and I cannot wait, its on my top ten most anticipated films of this year and nothing will change that, least not this trailer. The action scene, the fight scenes and pace was all stellar, and the music fits so well, it builds and builds and builds just like they’ll fight and fight and fight. I will show the trailer, my favourite scenes and talk further into my review. If you don’t like elaborate fight scenes, loud action and well blood drenched fists then this just isn’t for you, it is however for me. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer, more so if you disagree.

“You can’t know where I am. And I can’t be seen anywhere near you.”


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Mini Trailer Reviews

Trailers appear to be coming out of the woodwork recently so I thought I would review a few of them all in one post because 1 I am lazy and 2 its Christmas time so I am busy. I am afraid there will be no teaser trailers so don’t look for the Godzilla, Interstellar, or Planet of the Apes in this post, I liked all three but without more content I really can’t pass my judgement’s. Hope you enjoy the mini reviews and I will get back to the full ones after the holidays. Enjoy the reviews and please tell me your initial reactions to these new trailers, more so if you disagree.


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Thor: The Dark World (2013) Review

Thor: The Dark World is one of the most fun and entertaining Marvel films I have seen, from the fascinating story to the side splitting humour to the amazing visuals. This was a really well made film and I have very few to no complaints. The story takes you to so many more places than previous films and expands on the universe created. The visuals are a great improvement on the first Thor film with less plastic and more leather and metal, Thor’s universe seems real. The new Director (Alan Taylor) has done a wonderful job of creating a sequel, blending past events naturally with the current story and just making it so damn fun. The film is really an action adventure film which is what this character really needs to work on the big screen. I’ll go into much more detail below but for now bookmark this if you are waiting to see the film, leave any comments below, if you have seen the film then check out the spoiler sections and I will look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.

“Some believe that before the universe, there was nothing. They’re wrong. There was darkness and it has survived.”


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Machete Kills (Red Band Trailer #2) Review

Now that’s more like it. I didn’t like the first one because it was a bit dull and boring. But with this you get action, laughs, terrible CGI and lots of sexy ladies. I think with a film like this you need a good red band because otherwise you are restraining 90% of the film from the trailer. This reminds me a lot more of the grindhouse trailer for the first one, even the voice over guy. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer.


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Thor The Dark World (Trailer #2) Review

Wow that looks much better than the first trailer. The film looks explosive, action packed, visually gorgeous, smart and genuinely funny. I was getting quite worried about this film after the last trailer but this one makes this film a must see, and the UK gets it the 30th October. If this trailer is a true representation of the film then I like where it is going, and the new director seems to be on the ball. If the whole film is half as entertaining as this trailer then we are in for autumn treat. Enjoy the review and please tell me your initial reactions to this new trailer.


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